Leadership Programs
Good Leadership Leads to Change
"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis
Leadership Programs provide students with leadership skills and developmental opportunities through co-curricular programs, retreats, and workshops. By participating in Leadership Programs, students will grow into engaged, ethical leaders who thrive within diverse educational, social and business settings.
Our approach to leadership is rooted in theory, particularly the Social Change Model and Transformational Leadership. We believe that leadership can be learned. Leadership is not about a position of authority, but that all students have the capacity to affect positive change on campus and in their communities.
The Social Change Model of Leadership Development
This below model approaches leadership as a purposeful, collaborative, values-based process that results in positive social change.
The Transformational Leadership Style
Transformational Leadership is a leadership style in which leaders inspire and influence their followers to tap into unrealized potential and achieve peak performance.
At 博彩平台推荐, Leadership is...
- Self-reflection
- Mentorship
- Social Justice and Inclusion
- Global Awareness
- Personal and Professional Development
What do we do?
- Provide opportunities for students to engage in and to explore the practice of leadership by offering a variety of leadership programs, workshops, mentorship opportunities and events to support and develop students into leaders.
- Allow students the space to explore, improve, and reflect upon their leadership capacity and efficacy through educational experiences and student empowerment.
- Help students engage, explore, and elevate their college experience so that they may flourish as individuals and become lifelong contributors to communities in which they have strengthened.
How to get involved?
- Join Leadership To Go workshops.
- Attend Ready, Set, Grow: Leadership Summit, a leadership conference focusing on different leadership topics every September.
- Become an Emerging Leader in the Emerging Leader Mentorship Program.
- Learn about the qualifications to be invited into the National Society of Leadership and Success.
National Society of Leadership and Success
The National Society of Leadership and Success is the nation's largest leadership honor society serving thousands of members each year. The NSLS is founded upon the core beliefs that one can achieve one's dreams with the proper support and dedicated action, and that we accomplish more together than we would achieve alone. Our mission is to build leaders who make a better world. Qualifying students will receive an invitation at the beginning of each semester to join the society based on their academic standing.
To learns more about NSLS, visit the NSLS website or email Khalis Thomas, Assistant Director of Student Life at kthomas@delicious-drop.com
What are the benefits of leadership development in college?
- Develop interpersonal skills in understanding oneself and impact on others
- Engage in topics relevant to today’s world and societal issues
- Discover better understanding of self through leadership style assessments and ongoing reflection
- Add value to career profile through knowledge and skill obtained through programs